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I like my job. This isn't something new since I have enjoyed many jobs over the years but sometimes a job can become a burden, something that has become either a habit or a chore that you think that you HAVE to do.

Today as I go to work to a job that I recently started I find myself looking forward to each day.
I recently retired from a position that I held for 28 years. It was a long and winding road with the usual bumps along the way but it is over and that may be a story for another day. When I began looking for something else to do I was determined to find something that I wanted to do, not something that I had to do. I thought about things that didn't necessarily pertain to jobs but things that I enjoyed or new goals that I had. In the beginning it was easy. Having been behind a desk, inside and little contact with the outside world most of the day a job that got me outdoors was important. I also wanted to meet people again and when I narrowed it down I realized that I wanted to help in some way, but help who?  

When both of my parents were I alive I was involved in the day to day caring of them as they became older and more dependent on others for help. I enjoyed some of the process. I have never been shy when talking to people and I began to enjoy listening to stories about the lives of those who may not, because of age, be able to move as quickly as they once could. They were old and when your old things slow down. I found myself listen to complete strangers who loved telling me or anyone the stories of their lives. I would imagine them as kids and what their daily lives must have been like.

I was also was interested in somehow doing something for America's veterans. I'm am not a veteran so I felt that I owed something to these people who scarified so much so that I could enjoy the opportunities of this great country. Flying a flag on Memorial Day or buying a coffee for someone in uniform was easy but I wanted to do more.

Without getting to specific in my search to combine all of these in one job I continued to look for something that would maybe have one of these components as part of my new job. Well a new opportunity fell into my lap. I now work for a senior living facility. I have been able to fulfill every one of my goals when I started this job. I'm working with people who are older and need extra care in their day to day lives. I've found this to both interesting and rewarding in ways that I didn't anticipate. I am outside a great deal of the time seeing others living there lives.( I love observing people and how they act in small everyday situations, its my latest hobby.) And I am helping many veterans who have fascinating stories that ,to me, are more interesting and compelling than any book or story on the History Channel that I have ever seen or read. I guess it has to do with actually hearing from the person who was there when the story happened.

I am, as usual, very lucky to have found this position. It makes everyday that I work both rewarding and interesting. I guess I can't ask for more. And , don't tell anybody, I get paid for something that I might do for free. (What am I saying ...???....I'm crazy but not stupid)