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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Predictions.....What will happen???

Nothing earth shattering today. I was just thinking of some things as the new year has started and I decided to put them out there so that when they all happen..(of course they I can look back and say " I told you so" I don't have the same time frame for all of them. Some may happen sooner than others.

(1)  The NFL, and football in general has peaked. It will be a slow decline as injuries become more serious but the real decline will be because less players or great athletes will chose the sport as their main focus as they get older. Why you ask? One simple reason...MOM! Moms don't want their kids getting hurt and being broken, arthritic and brain dead when they are 45.

(2) There will be chips inserted people when they are born that will have all of their information on them for the rest of their life. Sort of like a separate brain that will contain file type info that now resides in desk drawers at home or in the "cloud" Health info, all of their bank info, where they were born and when, plus the kind of peanut butter your wife wants you to buy but you use to forget...just swipe your hand over the sensor at the store and it is bought and paid for. No need to remember anything is all on computer chip under your skin in the palm of your hand.

(3) I will attend at least 4 wakes and or funerals in the next calendar year. Some will be expected some will be a surprise .....just a part of getting older.

(4) Pot will be legal and as easy to buy as loaf of bread throughout the country......reason?   Simple....$$$$$$$$$$ will make a lot of it for some people and goverment wants its cut.

(5) Driverless cars....The days of people driving their own car are numbered. No more accidents, no more insurance, no more speeding tickets that you have to pay for because your son or daughter was "late for school". You won't own a car like you do now. You will have a sort of pod on wheels with seats that are parked at places around the country. Get in set your destination sit back and relax, arrive, leave it there and take a different one home.....all for a monthly subscription. 

(5) And for my last prediction I think that President Donald J. Trump will not stay as our President for the full four years, let alone run for a second term. I'm not saying anything bad will happen to him but I do think that he he will get bored or frustrated or both and something will happen so that he abdicates his throne. The business needs him, he gets a sudden mysterious illness....who knows what but he will hand the keys to the nation to Mr Pence.

Well I have more but some of them may seem a bit bizarre....stay tuned!

Posted by Steven Tymon at 8:15 AM