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A New Car

The Department of Motor Vehicles. The name itself scares you... doesn't it?  So many forms, so many I in the right place??...where do I stand??....why do I even own a car???...everyone has the same blank stare. It's like we are lost in some twilight zone, a place where time and the out of work ,retired, on disability,plumber between jobs, still wearing what I wore to bed last night,cellphone addicted people, collide. But I'm here for a reason and not just to get subject matter for this silly blog.
We have a new car in the family. How we got it became a long complicated journey. My car is getting real old and one old car driven by an old man ain't cutting it. So I set out to find something and with me as many of you know that can be a thorough ,intricate and sometimes nerve racking process. It involves talking to car salesmen, endlessly searching thru want ads for the right deal, rewinding television commercials when I hear a new lease deal while I'm immersed in my Ipad as I "watch" tv. Should I lease, buy a new one,find a used one on craigslist...Corolla, Volkswagen, Nissan...???? the choices are endless.  Jo just rolls her eyes when I say that I have found a new perfect deal completely negating the one I told her about before she went to bed. ( A lot can happen in the wee hours of the night, running thru endless ads for new cars on the computer while watching reruns of the "The Odd Couple") "Mmmm she liked her Corolla and here is a 2008 for sale in Providence for 7000....ahhh damm 250,000 miles" The next deal is the best deal...if I wait just a little longer. Then on the way home from picking up Jo from work she says "heh that car looks nice", describing a car we just passed at a used car dealer.
I immediately do a u turn into the car lot.  
Well I wont bore you anymore with the details but we did buy a used car that is " a nice color"....(heh If I new it was that easy I would have let her do all the work). I have learned from the past. If she don't like it, don't buy it. I could find a 2010 BMW for $632 and Jo would say..."But it's black"...
The car is hers not mine. I will clean it,change the oil and sell it when I have to but make no mistake it's not mine. That is a good thing. Happiness is a happy wife and right now that means a 2010 Kia.