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I'm in a hurry, maybe a little bit late. I'm in my car sitting at a red light behind somebody who doesn't realize or care that I'm am late and right behind them. I'm trying to take a right at the light but the car in front of me wont move the three inches forward that I need to get by him and make my turn. I'm frustrated...doesn't he see me??..cant he just move a tiny bit.... LOOK IN THE MIRROR YOU BOOB!!!

I know that I shouldn't expect everyone to get out of the way because "I am in a hurry"..but why don't they all go home and get out of my way. ARGGHHHHH!!!!
My father used to ask me "why all of these people are out in the middle of the day??...doesn't anybody work??? I would to say "Dad the car next to us is going to the doctors like you are....mmmmm....the rest of them are drug dealers and welfare recipients like you thought." My father would nod in agreement as we sat impatiently at the red light....(sigh)

I now drive quite a lot and I go slower and I don't feel as rushed as I use to. At work I have to take it easy because of my cargo and the size of the vehicle. Besides if I cut somebody off or break the law the name of the company is on the side of the bus and I don't think they would appreciate me getting a ticket or running over somebody's puppy in the crosswalk. Its just easier to let everyone rush past you. I feel like everyone else is in a race and I'm the old man that I used to honk at to get going. Even my daughter yells at me to not let people cut in front of me on the streets of Boston where people drive like they are at the Talledega Speedway. Who cares if the idiot in front of me wants to take my bumper off while texting his girlfriend. At least look at me before you sideswipe me ....

I was gonna write about being patient. Slowing down. Giving others the benefit of the doubt. But I cant ...I gotta go...I gotta finish this so that I can.....mmmm...what was I gonna do anyway???....