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4th of July ...Booooomm !!!

When I was a kid I hated fireworks. The sound got to me. It made me nervous when ever we would get in our beachwagon and head out to Roger Williams park, along with every other Rhode Islander and sit on a dark hillside and wait for a loud boom every five minutes along with some light in the sky. I remember mosquito bites and sitting in the car for hours when we left as my father cursed under his breath that he would never return to this place again even if they blew the whole place up and it was burning to the ground. That never made sense to me because it was a park not a building and he was after all a fireman wouldn't it be his job to put out the fire? I always tried to make sense of everything. I was way to literal. I remember once a I heard a friend say to another friend that he would never again talk to him again ,as long as he lived. What was he gonna do.... wait until he was dead then talk to him?  It was recess at grammar school, dares and threats are what boys did back then at recess. Hmmm now my nine year old mind would try to calculate if that threat was really possible since they were brothers and were fighting constantly. As I sat at my desk behind the two brothers after recess taking a geography test I hadn't studied for and still wondering if a lifetime of silence between the two brothers was possible I heard the teacher bellow..."If you two are talking and passing answers again I'll give you both zero's"

Of course they were and..... she did. I made me feel good that in life there are still some constants. People say things that they really don't mean and a nun really will give you a zero on a test.

Oh yea this was suppose to be about fireworks...oh well....Hope you had a Happy Fourth of July!!