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I wonder...

I wonder.....why do people worry so much what other people think. About what we look like...our hair,what we wear, what we think about any particular subject. We spend a lot to time and energy thinking about how others perceive us. We want to fit work..with friends...etc. Some of it can be constructive if we look at how other people see us a constructive perspective to help us evaluate ourselves occasionally. It can help a person grow to get another opinion or see something thru somebody else's eyes.

But we should forge our own true to who you are...good and bad.

I wonder.....why do people think that driving is a right not a privilege? Why do so many think that they are the only people with a place to go allowed on the road?

I wonder....wonder....ooouu ...who wrote the book of  love??....(its a song kids)

I wonder........ how much we realize how dangerous it is to drive with in feet of another piece of metal and plastic going 60 miles and hour without thinking whether the person next to us has any degree of competence in handling their piece of metal and plastic and flammable fuel?

I wonder.....why are people so surprised when somebody dies.?...especially somebody over a certain is gonna happen to all of us....

Maybe its that we don't think about time moving forward everyday because most days are the same as the one before unless some thing drastic happens to wake us up.

I wonder...why I don't look at the sky more?

I long my dog ,who is almost 18, will live for?

I wonder...if I will ever learn to play the guitar or bagpipes or any instrument?

I wonder...if the people who lived in my house 200 years ago thought about who might live here in the future? ( I really don't think they did...they had more important things to do)

I wonder....I wonder why I waste so much time wondering?

I wonder....what is for lunch?