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I care...

As promised I have dedicated this weeks blog to things that I do care about .

I care.....about my family and friends...without them I would be nothing

I care....about what my wife is making for dinner. She has made herself a great cook...from her turkey meatballs to lasagna and other dishes with roasted potatoes, beans and chicken that she refuses to name. I can't go out to dinner with out comparing it to something that she has made. The restaurant always loses. She a self taught cook who can look in a fridge and minutes later come up with a  complete meal. (dammm now I'm hungry)

I care ....about my ability to still climb on my bike after a long winter and feel some strength in my body that I thought had long since dissipated over the winter. It is like stepping on the gas in your car and the engine responds and gets up past the car in front of you. I hit the first hill after a few miles of warm up and I'm not sure how the aching back and tired legs will respond. What the hell...up I go ...its not like running where if it ain't there you have to crawl home. On a bike I can coast with some dignity back down the hill and somehow make it home even if I have the strength in just one leg. ( I've done But I make it somehow to the top...young

I care....about the military veterans that I work with and have known and the sacrifices that they have made.

I care...less about some things than I use to....... but more intensely about the things that I do find important now....