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Im not feeling well. Not bad enough to go to the doctors. ( I'm laughing now becasue those of you who know me are laughing to becasue I rarely go to the doctor. The yearly physical sure but not for every hang nail or ache or pain. Stiches yes but that is only if the bleeding is causing people who see to become ill themselves or there is so much blood that it's getting tough to walk because my feet are sloshing around in what are becoming very red shoes..but I'm getting off track here...)
I am sick enough so that I feel like laying down in the middle of the day. Now in the commercials and sitcoms being sick is like a day off at some spa. People come by give you comfort make jokes and you take anap as th world passes by.  Well I have never had s a sick day like that. Even when I was a kid if I was sick it was so bad that I couldn't move or when i felt better the guilty would take over me . I'm a lazy bumm living on orange juice and crackers while the rest off the world supports me  or I'm so   sick that I feel that I'm near death and  I can't enjoy a decent soap opera.  When I'm sick I can't relax.  Come to think of it I have a hard time relaxing when I'm not sick.....mmmmmm