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I'm sweating. I'm sweating out a summer cold that I have had for almost two weeks, but that is another story....ok I wont tell that story. I'm doing yard work and its hot. Summer, humid, sweat dripping in my eyes, sweat down my back...its July, that day you wished for during that winter morning sitting in your car shaking as you turn the key to start your car and it groans telling you that you should have gotten that battery when it was on sale at Walmart and now the only thing warm that you have that is warm is your breath circling around the inside of your car before it freezes on the inside of your windshield.
I like sweat because it means I'm warm which to me is better than being cold....(sometimes life is simple if you just ...let it be).
I'm painting now. I cant see because the sweat is dripping down my forehead onto my old man glasses, which I need otherwise the paint would be all over the windows instead of on the house where it belongs.
I remember when I would video tape weddings...(by the way I was one of if not the first to do that way back in the early 80's....and yes it was video tape.) ....and it was a hot summer day in an nonairconditioned church. I would usually worry about things like my battery dieing just when the bride says.."I do"..but on this day it was Africa hot and my viewfinder was fogging up so I couldn't even tell if the bride was in focus let alone whether I was recording at all because the battery I had rented had given out twenty minutes ago. Oh well I could always yell out..."take two" in my best Martin Scorsese voice. That is not a good day or place to sweat...everything has its place...including today's word ....Sweat.