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Some people at this time of the year look back and review that past year. They also look forward with resolutions for the new year. I guess that I do the same thing in a way since I'm great a making lists for myself. For instance a list of things that I want to do this year would include ....climb a mountain in New Hampshire again, learn a new language or ride in the "flattest century of the east" again....(as I think about this as I'm writing,  my list contains things that I have already done. Maybe I should add more new adventures to the list.)

Instead I'm going to make some predictions that may not come true this year or in any year in the near future but  these are things that I think will come true soon or later:

1. There will be cars that drive themselves

I can remember being thirteen and worried that I would never get to drive a car because by the time I got my license there would be flying cars and I would have lost my chance to hot rod around the neighborhood. I think that I was watching to many Jetsons episodes.

2. The NFL will become an also ran when it comes to big name national sports.

It has nothing to do with under inflated footballs or domestic violence or athletes getting arrested for who knows what . It will be brought down my the moms of the country who will not allow there young boys to play a sport where they can get hit in the head, knocked silly and with possible injures that could affect the rest of their life. 

3. Everyone will have the option of having a chip not unlike those in cats and dogs surgically installed in them.

A computer chip that will have everything on it from their drivers liscense, credit card, social secruiry number, medical history and the service record of their car at jiffy lube. The chip will be part of a system that
will connect to our eyes to take pictures and record video our hands to writte documents..etc . We wont need watches or phones or computers. We will be able to connect to everyone and everything by just thinking about it...sort of like a second brain with our regular brain taking care of the body's other functions like breathing, walking etc.   

Welcome to the future.

Anybody else have any predictions?