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What me?

I saw them, all together, behind the tent, playing with a knife. A clear violation of the rules of a scouting merit badge. Should I turn them in? Me...the boy in charge?

It was a warm sunny day and I was on my to half drown myself during a swimming test for my promotion to first class in the Boy Scouts. I remember walking out onto the dock to the area beyond the beach where the water was over my head. I couldn't swim. I knew that. But I was put in charge of my patrol as the oldest and longest member of my troop to achieve the rank of second class.

As we got on the bus my troop leader barked out my name in his best imitation of Sargent Carter yelling at Gomer Pyle. "Tymon!!!...he yelled...your patrol leader isn't going to camp....measles or something....your in charge."  The words were barely out of his mouth when I felt my knees get weak and head begin to ache. My two weeks at Boy Scout summer camp had now turned from high lite of my young life to a bus ride to Alcatraz...( ok... I know there is no bridge to Alcatraz....give me a break here ) . What???...Me??? charge???

 Well there I was standing next to three other "swimmers" about to jump to my death in water over my head by who knows how much. ( I could hear it now..."If he just stood up and stopped all that flailing around he wouldn't have drowned"). I had to do it. I had to prove that I was worthy of being in charge and get that damm promotion to First Class.

The water was colder than I thought it would be but my strategy was clear. I would hold my breath for the first lap and swim completely under water until I had to turn and come back. A quick breath and the same thing home to victory over my demons and the promotion. I made it about ten feet before I ran out of oxygen and began flopping around like what I can only imagine looked like dieing seal. A pole stabbed the water near my head. I grabbed for it and was pulled out of the water. I headed back to my tent, defeated. When I got there my friends were still there disregarding the rules of their Totin' Chip merit badge. So I took the knife and threatened to turn them in. Sometimes you have to take charge even if you haven't earned it.