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Its time for my my bi yearly appointment with the only doctor that I have who consistently finds something wrong with me. There isn’t much he or I can do to prevent the damage that he has to take care after every visit. The problems that I have to deal with now are because of the hours spent in the sun at the beaches and landscaping jobs that I had many, many years ago. I do the preventive measures now…hats, sunscreen..but the damage is done. And lately every time I go a part of me is being scraped off, cut out and tested…but its the small price I pay and it keeps me going for at least another…mmmm six months I guess...LOL

But this isn’t about going to the doctor. Several days before that I do something to prepare for my appointment. Something that now I only do for this doctor and nobody else

Scraping a cold sharp object across a face that has more stitches and holes drilled in than a Texas oil field is not my idea of fun. But I want to give the doctor a complete picture and so he doesn’t have to guess what is under the grey whiskers as utters my favorite phrase …” that doesn’t look good”…so I reluctantly ….SHAVE.

Not that anybody ever notices what I've done. I never get a “ you look younger for some reason” or at least a “ what is different about you today? “ as I wait for the week or so that it takes for my stubble to return and the results of the tests to come back…. And then all is right with the world.