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They are everywhere…a painted blanket of what used to provide shade from the hot summer sun but has now become a tourist attraction for every city dweller who wants a picture of “ nature” for their Facebook page….leaves!!!

My annual adventure with the colorful fall foliage started thirty years ago when we moved to our present home. Our new home came with several small issues that included but didn’t end with such fun projects as removing a live family of possums , babies and all who were living in a crawl space under the floor boards to the use of a large plastic bucket placed in a closet that collected water every time that it rained as well as removing the occasional stray skunk, bat or raccoon.

But today I have more important things to think about. How do I get rid of the pile of leaves several inches thick that is covering our property? When I was younger I had less time because I was working 60 hours a week but I had a stronger back so I guess there is always a trade off. Since then I have developed a certain methodical process to getting rid of the my colorful friends. It’s a something that involves everything from good old fashion raking to mulching with the mower and my favorite …the occasional late night use of the leaf blower to send some the leaves over the stonewall into my neighbors driveway where they belong. Because after all most of my leaves come from THEIR trees that border our properties. ( and yes I know some my leaves go into their yard…don’t worry it’s a game that we’ve played for years…nobody gets hurt 😎) I have to be careful to spread them evenly and not in big piles so as not to arouse suspicion. And don't worry they have plenty of their own leaves that a young crew of landscapers suck up in one long day with equipment and strength that I will never have.

So here I sit on this warm sunny mid October afternoon wondering how that I will spend the rest of my day…mmm …perhaps a bike ride…a picnic with Jo at our favoritee spot at the Beavertail Lighthouse….or maybe just sit on the porch and watch the traffic rumble by sipping on the latest IPA from the local brewery???

Orrr….rake the damm leaves????