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The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

Two for One

Today my dear blog readers we have a double header....two blogs for price of lucky can you get?....I know ....blah...blah, blah...who cares??.....get on with it ...)

Red Solo Cup

I have a tendency if you have read past blogs to save cups from Dave's Market, Dunking Donuts, etc and reuse them. Well I recently started using the same Red Solo Cup  for several days in a row. I know that they are suppose to be use and gone...but I hate throwing things away... Why don't I use say a container
that is made to be reusable and can be washed and used again and again inside and out? Good question...I got no answer right now...check with me later. Right now I'm attempting to see how long this particular cup will last has been three days so far...all kinds of liquids,lemonade,ice tea,milk...etc  I rinse it out and the next beverage goes in. Nothing for instance..will melt it...I think. I just use it for every thing that I am drinking and see how long it lasts...stay tuned

A New Old Tradition

I have decided to resurrect a old habit. I was in line this morning at Walmart and an elderly woman in front of me was struggling with her purse looking for money to pay for her groceries. I could tell she was nervous because she thought that she was holding up the line. I had my money out and decided to ask her if I could help her out by paying the extra couple of dollars due on her receipt. She thanked me and offered to pay me back once we got out of line. I told her she didn't have to, she thanked me and we were both on our way.
To me this was no more a common courtesy than holding a door open for somebody or letting the next driver go in front of you at a busy intersection. Call it being polite,courteous or whatever it reminded me of a habit that I use to have when I worked in Providence everyday. I use to by donuts every once in while for everyone at work and one day I decided, while at the drive-thru, to pay for the person in line behind me. The cashier would shrug with a quizzical look and let me know the amount I had to pay. I would wait and look in the mirror sometimes to see the reaction as they drove up and got their coffee for free. It was fun as I would get waves, or beeps from the thankful drivers. One time I was in my office and somebody who worked in another place in the building, somebody that I didn't know, came by to thank me because they had been behind me that morning as paid for their morning java. I haven't done it much since I retired but I may start again. So if you pull up to the drive thru and the coffee is free just give a beep and wave....Hi Ho Silver..Awayyy!!!