Learn from the Past and live in the Present

The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

41 and counting

It was 41 years ago today. I was working behind the counter at the family business. Everyday felt like a doing time in some sort of retail prison. But this day would be different . I would wait on the most important customer that we would ever have. It was also the day the I met the person who would save my life,  my wife
When we met I had no idea that I would be sitting here writing this many years later. It wasn't love at first sight for me and I KNOW that it wasn't for her. But I can remember when it did become love. I had never had that feeling before or after. I woke up one day and she was all that I could think about. Now I know that I can be a bit obsessive but this was ridiculous. I couldn't think of anything else and for me that was it.  I "courted" her for 10 years before we got married. Ten years to the day from when we met. I know a long time? We didn't want to rush into anything but the timing was perfect.
We have had some great times and some that weren't so great. The details don't matter here. But we kept going or should I say she let me hang around. I don't have the secret to success and I don't give advice on the subject. Sometimes I really wonder how we made it this far. But I do know one thing.
I wouldn't be who I am with out her and I will never love anybody else.

Thank You... Joann ....I love you.