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I don't care

I don't care. I use to worry...a lot. About, jobs, haircuts,....not any more. I spend my days in peaceful bliss. Well I'm not a Tibetan monk contemplating my belly button 12 hours a day...( I only do that for 8 hours...I do need another 4 hours for chanting and yoga). I mean that I don't care what people think. Think about what I'm wearing when I go to the market and have on a smelly tee shirt that I have worn for two days in a row because I have been raking leaves moving firewood and it has my favorite team on it and they are playing tonight so I don't want to change it for luck even though they haven't won a game yet....but I think that people are looking at me because the shirt has the wrong logo on it...its not the local team that I'm supposed to be rooting for....ohhhhh ......nooo.....its because I look and smell like a homeless guy....who cares!!!   (I don't care that I use these run on sentences even though I think of my self as a writer)
I use to care a lot...about work, mortgages, college tuition, getting old ,dying, my teams winning, my house needing a new roof, politics, cutting the grass, I take care of what I can control and leave the rest to the smarter, younger and stronger among us.
Now I care that my wife finally got a good night sleep, that my daughter is happy, that I get to watch my nephews playing JV football, that one of the guys that I drive for at work loved that we took a detour to go by the house that he grew up in while out on a recent shopping excursion, that I can walk my 17 year old dog a couple of days a week thru the town I have been living in for almost 30 years but never got to really see until now.....I care .....I guess ....but I just changed what I care about.