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The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

I'm not nice......

I don't kick dogs, push old lady's down stairs or rob money from the Santa outside Walmart when he isn't looking....I said that I wasn't nice I didn't say that I was a bad person.

I don't give out compliments easily

I don't smile a lot in the morning

I don't give a crap sometimes

It isn't all negative

I am sarcastic

I am impatient....(sometimes)

I am a pain in the ass.....(ask Jo)

I am pompous....(ask my Thursday night

When I was the boss at one of my many jobs some of the people that I managed were people that I considered friends. I know that this can be dangerous....mixing friendship with business. I tend to break the rules sometimes. I go by gut, feel or instinct occasionally. Well I had to evaluate people for raises and one of my "friends" didn't get a one. He thought that he should have. I was accused of not being nice.....well nice is not good for business. I will give you the shirt off my back. I will pick you up at 3 in the morning pay your bail and ask no questions on the ride home.....but I may forget your birthday even though I have known you all of my life.....I'm loyal, generous and helpful........but I'm not nice.