Merry Christmas!
I'm finishing writing Christmas cards. I said in sitting with pen and paper not a computer and keyboard.
I am noticing that the amount of cards that I am writing seems to be getting less each year. Perhaps I know less people or less people feel the need to send me a card...heh it works both
I have been out of circulation for a few years now. Not having a daily job to go to and living the life of a semi-hermit, writer, dad ,driver, husband, volunteer, videographer, dog walking retired state worker, former business owner, landscaper, cook, salesman, paperboy....ok ..stopppp....I'm not going to list all of the 50plus
jobs that I have had in my life (If I haven't done that in blog I will But this and other things lead to less card writing.
After finishing my last yuletide greeting I thought about the next time that I will take pen to paper and write a greeting to somebody....probably a year from right now.
If I was more digitally engaged in the process like many of my friends I could do all of this ,like everything else, on the computer with a picture and the use of an Internet photo greeting service. They look great and are very creative but for some reason I am to lazy to use them or I have this need to use up all of my previous years hand written, probably Job Lot bought, greeting cards before I too make the transition to the digital greeting card age.
Before I go there, and I will once the envelopes don't fit the old cards, I will enjoy the physical sense of actually
I may actually do more of it
in another form. I'm thinking of crafting a few letters....yes actually paper, pen, words, envelope and stamp letters. So if I have your address ....lookout...another invasion of my thoughts and ramblings may becoming to your mailbox along with the rest of your junk mail.
Cheers and Merry Christmas!