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The Bar

The guy on stage has what looks like and expensive 12 string Taylor guitar that is probably worth over $1200 but the voice attempting to sing his rendition Johnny Cash's song Ring of Fire leaves a lot to be desired. With a gap tooth snarl he wails into the microphone with the passion only a real musician can reveal. But he falls short with the audience who give him an a occasional hoot followed by long moments of silence as he pauses at end of the stage for payment by adulation but instead feels the indifference of tonights bar room crowd.

Bars are like that, comforting one minute with the feeling of new found friends to go with an ice cold draft along with the occasional argument about who will be the next president that sends long time friends to blows....ahhhh a dangerous place.

Not many will remember what was said or done this night which is probably for the best. It is a place where dreams and past conquests are remembered and losses not resolved are rolled out again in front of strangers who do not judge but are very willing to be the arbiter of what could have and should have been done to make the world right.  It is a philosophy whose fuel is alcohol ...loosening the tongue and the mind to wander.  But here there is also the feeing of camaraderie ...of belonging least for a few hours to other like minded souls. A safe haven from the rest of the worlds rules. A place to express what you really feel not just what is expected of you.  A place for the lonely...a place for a clown...a place to celebrate... a place to frown....a fun place all around.  Its a bar.