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The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

A Full Moon

It’s cold on the porch as I stand in the darkness staring at the sky , reflecting on the day. Tonight is special because there is a full moon and a clear cloudless sky. I’ve started a new daily habit of ending my day by walking out into the night and sometimes sitting in the backyard and staring at the sky. Occasionally I will see a shooting star or two but a full moon on a clear night is rare.

As many people who know me already know lately I have been listing the number of things that either because of time ( Im much time is left?? ) or because of inability or an number of other reasons that I will never do again. For example…I hopefully will never pay for another new roof, buy another t-shirt ( i have wayyyy to many now) ….have a surprise birthday party, get a new car, climb Mount Washington , ride a century, dunk a basketball..( never happened or was gonna happen so no,…you understand now where I am going with this….right?

But as sat in my backyard gazing at the full moon…(wait…How many more of these do I have left….mmmm????..ok let’s do the math…at least 12 full moons a year…because they do last more than one day….some cloudy days….let’s say 6 a year that I could see …times 10 more years on this planet……lol…that comes around 60 more full moons….see this is the way that I think…lol)…..back to what I was thinking as I gazed at my one of 60 full moons left in my life, I thought about doing something that I have NEVER done in my life…( see I can be positive in my old

The things that I could or want to do that I have never done but will try to do before ..The End.

  1. continue to try to learn to play the guitar

  2. surf casting from Charlestown Beach

  3. hike the full length of Rhode Islands North South Trail

  4. learn ballroom dancing

  5. visit Ireland

  6. learn another language

  7. Well I guess I’m gonna need more time to do some of those things and maybe enjoy a few more full moons.