Learn from the Past and live in the Present

The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 


The temperature outside says 18 degrees. Inside we are a cozy 56 degrees. cold?

Both of us like to sleep in a cool bedroom so I don’t notice the real world temperature until my feet hit the floor in the morning.

Then It’s time to begin the morning routine that starts with melting the ice that has formed on the inside of the old window that is part of our front door. Most people get up and start the day with a cup coffee and a bowl of Captain Crunch. I have to get some heat in the house.
Most people turn a knob on the wall or these days have something digital that will make the house nice and toasty , brew the coffee, turn on the lights , automatically before there tender tootsies touch the bedroom floor. I’m all for new technology and for things that make easier. But i still enjoy some of the physical chores of my everyday life... (cutting the grass, shoveling snow, raking leaves)

Doing some of these things somehow reminds of what i could do when I was younger working with my hands with jobs as landscaper with a chainsaw, installing carpet and tile and the I spent getting blisters installing above ground pools with nothing but a screwdriver.

But today is about getting some heat the old fashion way. The caveman in me still enjoys making fire with muscle , sweat and sometimes blood. I cut down a tree, ( yes this is where the blood part comes, split the logs and stack the wood…and yes I do buy wood.

I enjoy a connection to a time when people where more self reliant. They made their own shelter, grew or caught their own food and made their own heat. Well i can still make small repairs to a 200 year old house. Ive done everything from put on a crooked porch to remove an opossum family that has made a home in a crawl space. I’m an expert at everything once I have finished a project and made every mistake doing it. I don’t have a garden..Daves market is just to close but I can still make heat and take care of our shelter..two out of three aint bad.

Stay warm everyone…Merry Christmas!!!