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Cheap Razors

It's almost midnight on any Wednesday evening and I can't sleep. It happens every week. The seconds slowly tick by (well since I don't have a watch so there is no real ticking ...but you know what I mean). I'm waiting for a message. An email from the heavens arrives and I can only guess at what surprises await.

Ocean State Job lot coupons!!!....  Every week I make a pilgrimage to the mecca of bargains. I buy what I need, (shampoo, soap, bundles of cheap screwdrivers...etc.) and I also look for the occasional inexpensive but much needed bungee cord to be used around the house for holding something down that would otherwise fly off into who knows where. I know what your thinking ...I'm waisting money buying junk that I don't need. At the risk of being sued ..yes in my travels I have found that some of the items that I have purchased in the past have not always lived up to my high standards. Lets take razor blades for instance. I don't shave everyday because ...well...I don't have to...nahhh. If they ever invent an industrial strength "Nair" for men I will be the first in line. I have tried beards in the past and may again but sometimes maintaining them is more work than shaving and short of looking like the long lost member of ZZ Top, I only go that route occasionally usually in the dead of winter. But back to razor blades...they should be cheap...after all they do wear out and who wants to spend a lot of money on something you know your going to throw away in a couple of days. I was given an electric razor for my first shaving experience way back when. It was one of my father's hand me down Norelco. I use to wonder why I would go to school everyday bleeding like stuck pig after "shaving" the three blond hairs hanging from my chin that the Brothers at LaSalle said made me look like some kind of commie, atheist ,hippie. I was , I later found out ,using a 10 year old worn out hand me down electric razor that had seen its best years on the face of a middle aged angry at the world fireman...thanks Dad!  Well after trying to find the perfect razor that lasts a month and costs a buck I have finally given in and bought a "real razor that cost money", to quote Joann.

Don't worry I will still buy the scratchy see thru toilet paper that my family loves and many other necessities with my coupons. It is really a great place for bargains like printer paper and things like gardening supplies that I use a quite a lot. I just have to use better judgement and more restraint when I have those coupons calling from my wallet. After all there are other places with bargains that I can explore....did somebody say Dollar Store???