Learn from the Past and live in the Present

The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

Wear the shirts

I quit saving. I'm using everything. Using it now. I used to save money, coupons, time and tee shirts. I knew some day that I would need them all. Well I've done my calculations and the time is now. We are going thru a six month process of trying to refinance our mortgage. (Yea...six months...but that's another story for another day.) As part of the process you find out how much equity has been built up in your house. Well when the time comes and we become eligible I'm using my equity. Let my house give me some money for a change.
I ain't taking it with me and I don't have anybody I want to give it too. Yes Kayla you will get something but you gotta work for what you want in life. ( she doesn't read this anyway so why am I telling her that

I can remember 20 years ago fretting how I would pay for Kayla's college. Put money here and save it there. Now she a year from graduating. I put money every pay check in IRA's and other savings, for when? NOW...

I saved things like tee shirt that meant something to me. Giants wins, special bike rides, whatever. They all have a memory. I'm wearing some now that I have saved for 30 years. Joann almost fainted when she saw me in an old Giant tee shirt from their first Super Bowl win painting the house.  What am I saving it for? It's a tee shirt...USE IT...

I'm lucky that I have the most important thing that cant be saved....time. I'm using that too. To do things that I want to Ride my bike until my legs fall off to see if I can still make to beach and back. (20+ miles by the way) Reading a book that a teacher made me read when I was a kid to see why it meant so much to me then. To meet with old friends to see if we can play two minutes on a basketball on an outside court before we limp off the local pub. To tell my wife that I love here, not because it's a birthday or Valentines Day but because I just thought of it as she walked by on her way to the kitchen. 

I told you at the top of the page that these would be ramblings and today that just what I did....   

PS   Thanks to Kim for the idea for this you can blame