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This Old House

This Old House

I'm measuring for the third time. It happens a lot at my house. Nothing is straight and nothing is level. These are just some of the issues that you have to deal with living in a 250+ year old house.
I've learned that you make things fit and make them look good to YOU. I have had contractors, carpenters, friends, fishermen and felons all tell me what and how I should fix my house. But heh I finally said " I have to live here" so it is gonna be my way. I don't care about the next guy. He will probably say what I have said many times during my "upgrades"...."What the hell was that guy thinking when he built this?" Well I've built decks, patios, installed wood floors ,back splashes and once spent an afternoon with a stuck jack hammer wedged into an old set of cement front steps. Ive broken ribs, and fingers and had more stitches and cuts than I can count but heh its what they call "sweat equity"... and I kind of enjoy the process more than the finish project ,even if it is crocked.
I'm reading a book that describes the how Thomas Jefferson built his home, Monticello.
He lived to be 83 years old but never saw the house finished. He had some measurements figured down the millionth of an inch ( something that was unmeasurable at the time) He was ahead of his time with his use of some many skylights yet built staircases so steep that they were barely more than ladders. He lived in his unfinished house for over 40 years, taking so long to complete it that as some parts were finished others where rotting away because of lack of maintenance.
Now I'm no Jefferson and my unfinished house will probably remain that way as long as I live here and I will get frustrated some days when I look at half finished kitchen floor but it could be worse....I could be living in a condo somewhere with nosey neighbors and nothing to do but watch the grounds keeper cut the grass to short..
In this house I will always have something to do and if I ever finish you can have it.