Learn from the Past and live in the Present

The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

Moving...again I'm not going anywhere but my daughter is, she heading to a new apartment and back to school. I've done this so many times in the last few years, (three apartments and three dorms), that I sometimes feel like a Sherpa guide ascending Mount Everest as I drag endless boxes of "essentials" like multiple pairs of shoes to the third floor of another elevator deprived building. My back aches just thinking about the next move to come, the day after Labor Day. I see the tired faces of other parents like me as we endlessly weave thru the streets of Boston looking for that elusive parking spot only five blocks from the apartment.
Everything that she owns or cares about this week is on the floor of our house. Piles of clothes, a new bed and that dammm "small" refrigerator, mocking me as it sits there in the middle of the room waiting to be hauled the stairs for the millionth time. We are getting organized for the trek. I found a van to rent and I mentally packed it several times. Each time that I think that I'm all set somebody says..." Oh by the way we are taking the ..(whatever)..and I have reevaluate my plan. I need a plan, somewhere to start, something that I know will change at a moments notice, but I at least need some place to start the chaos.
So let the games begin....I know that once we get moved in the next phase will begin. We will have by new stuff that replaces what either cant be found from the last move or got broke during the latest one. But that is another story for another blog. Stay tuned