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A New Path

We get older and things change. Jobs,friends,the creaking in your knees, nothing stays the same like it did when you were young and everyday seemed to last forever. I remember wishing I was older so that I could either drive,stay up and watch Johnny Carson or least stay out past the time when the street light came on. Now some of us wish that the days would just slow down and last a bit longer.
We do things everyday that become routine. We do them without thinking. When something disrupts the routine in a bad way like a sickness or injury to ourselves or somebody we know or love we examine the routine. Usually using the perspective of this negative interruption we describe ourselves as being in a "rut". That is a negative description of the daily routine. A rut is comfortable and easy because we have done it many times, gone down the same path. We know what expect, what is around the next corner, we can handle it because we have done it before.  Sometimes you have to force your self to try something different. Walking the dog in the woods I would look for a new path in the woods just for a Change of scenery. The same woods but a different perspective. It's easy to do that walking your dog in the woods but not so easy in everyday life, especially if you have been doing things the same way for a long time.  Life is sometimes scary enough without going looking for new troubles. It's easier to keep the problems that we know, at least they are familiar. But being scared is sometimes what it is all about. Scared to stand up to a bully who took your moms homemade chocolate deserts at lunch in the third grade. Scared on your license road test because the only driver training that your dad gave was " don't get caught speeding " Scared when you wake up in a New Jersey hotel room and look at your sleeping wife and newly adopted daughter and realize that you know nothing about being a dad. Not all of life's changes are for the good and but sometimes being scared can lead you the best path of your life.