Learn from the Past and live in the Present

The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 


No Sleep....well not no sleep at all but the kind of night where I toss and turn get up watch a rerun of Andy Griffith and an infomercial with my look a like Chuck Norris and his Total Gym and pass out for and hour on the couch then check my email and pay some bills at 2:45am while listening to something in the backyard that sounds like a coyote or fox or a neighbor who has the same problem as me and is outside raking his leaves.....wait I'm losing my its 3:45am I can still get a few hours of sleep and have a productive day...I can turn off my computer, tv and cell phone but I don't have a switch for my brain. Ok lets plan the day while I lay on couch wondering how I'm gonna paint the ceiling without getting some kind of scaffolding......I can focus...what was I thinking about ...oh yea...planning my day...mmmm Home the insurance company...did I just pay their bill?? ...its that the sound of the boiler or the dog snoring?... a burglar?...dammm I'm drifting again...heh wait I must be tired ...lets try to sleep late...I hear the birds...its morning...the sun will be up soon...lets see what Al Roker is doing ....ahh a beautiful sunny morning....another 16 hours and I'll try that sleep thing again...