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Chopping Wood

Time to chop some firewood. It's cold so the seasoned stuff should spit easier. I'll do as much as my back lets me. (It's been acting up more than usual lately) The sun is out and I have the iPod turned up, way up ,the kind of up that they use to say would make me deaf at my age. Nothing like a little Z Z Top to get the chopping rhythm going. I'm already running low on wood that I got in September. We have been keeping the heat a little higher this winter...but that's another story for another blog.
I'm beginning to sweat as slice through my fifth log. I needed a little workout today and this is cheaper than joining a gym. Anytime that I can spend a few hours alone outside is like mini vacation to me even if it is about 10 degrees in the shade. I worked inside for 30 years I would sometimes go for days this time of year without ever seeing the daylight never mind feeling the sun on my face. Dark when I left for work ,no windows, no lunch and more darkness on the way home. After several days of nothing but computer screen lighting I would begin to feel more like a bear in hibernation than the manager of a big time television production machine...heheh.  Now when the wind whips down my back and freezes the sweat on the my neck I'm thankful that I can squint into the cold blue sky the feel nonflourescent light from winter sun.
I better stop now because I felt a "twinge" which is old man talk for "spending the night on the couch with a heating pad as my best friend". Besides there is more fun ahead. There is always a snow storm on the horizon and I can look forward to dodging the plows as they wizzz  by sending salt, sand and snow all over my just shoveled sidewalk. Ahhh winter it beats a fluorescent hibernation.