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My Snow Story

I know that nobody wants to hear another winter snow storm story. So I apologize in comes another one. I don't care about forecasts and the amount of snow that we are going to get. Unless it is going to be the blizzard of '78. I can get thru it some how. I drive for a living now so it is not like it doesn't affect me but heh I think I can figure out what to do if it snows in the winter.
I didn't have to work so I took the day to do something that I enjoy doing when it snows. I walk in the woods.
These days I have to almost drag the old dog with me. He wants to go but he sniffs more than walks, limps more than I do (which is saying a lot) and has a hard time staying on course. But still he is good company and I'm not going anywhere special in any hurry anyway. I especially like it when it is really cold as it has been and we head down a trail that has not been tread on yet by either animal or human feet. The crunch of frozen ground under my feet gives me the feeling of being off in the wilds of Alaska rather than a mere two miles from the warmth of a drafty but comfortable, cable tv internet connected, home. Toby used to leap in front of me spoiling the virgin path but now I have to look back every few feet to make sure he isn't off wandering aimlessly in the frozen woods circling a tree that has a scent that he cant resist. I stand and wait for him feeling the cold fill my lungs and at same time emptying my mind , at least for a few moments of the daily problems that everyone has.
As we head back because I notice the dog is limping a little I'm think of things like how dangerous this weather can be if you are homeless, hiking like I use to do on some deserted mountain in New Hampshire or living in a time when the only hope of warmth that you had was what would come if you rub a couple of sticks together and hope that a flame erupts before you die.