Learn from the Past and live in the Present

The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

Today I'm searching for something to write about. I put a lot of my random thoughts at random times on scraps of paper that I compile throughout the day. Occasionally I get "inspired" and the writing is easy. It flows like a river down a mountain. Other days its the Hoover Dam. Some body once said creativity is more perspiration than inspiration. Well today is the former. So I search thru old scraps of paper for ideas. Lets see write about...being patient, bad drivers, all the jobs that I have had, being color blind...I  gotta get the idea...besides I might want to use one of these bad ideas for a future blog.
Today is about the process. The work that it takes to be "creative".  I have always had 9 to 5 jobs. Thinking that a writer, painter, artist was some lazy hippie type who slept till 11, smoked pot all day, ate granola and got inspired sometime around 3pm and created something then went to a Grateful Dead concert. (ok I never really thought that but it does sound like the stereotype of a 70's artist)
But the music we love ,the books that we read and films we enjoy all come from some place. I am trying to allow myself to be creative. Some days it doesn't flow. So I have approached it like a lot of things that I do. Full speed ahead...dam the torpedoes and see what happens. I cant wait for inspiration ...that takes to long. It ain't pretty but its mine what ever it is. Lately my creativity has come in form of a sledge hammer, chainsaw, bloody fingers and an aching back, but heh who is to say what being creative is ?  I created a new apartment and a pile of wood. I think that I will be a painter tomorrow. Working in water based stain covering white....hmmm the kitchen walls will be my canvas.