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I don't care

I don't care old I look. I'm security...bad back...grey hair...the whole package. It is what it is. The thing is I don't have to be young any more. I'm not a professional athlete hanging on to the end of my career. I'm not an actor sitting in the front row of the Oscars wishing I had one more shot of botox as the damm Hi Def camera zooms in on my tired face while I struggle to fake happiness as some twitt kid wins my Oscar.

I dont' care....that people think I'm nuts becasue I wear shorts in the winter...heh they are comfortable.

I don't care...... that I drive to slow. My job is to get my passengers where they have to go safely and comfortably. If I have to slow down to avoid a pot hole that might throw some World War II vet in the back of the bus from his seat ...then I slow down.

I don't care....that my daughter hates my "old music". I will listen to Roy Orbison and Sam Cooke till the day I die.

I don't care.....that some people don't like my solution?...DON'T READ IT...there is no law that says you have to....( all though I think there should be one)

I don't care...if people think that I'm crazy for buying my wife flowers for no reason. She deserves more than flowers for putting up with me and I don't need a calender to tell when I should celebrate Valentines Day.

There are things that I do care about but you will have to tune in next week to see what they are.