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I will miss the winter

I will miss the winter. Alright before you think that I have lost what little I have left of my mind let me explain.
I'll  miss the quiet. The winter is quiet. Nature is sleeping so walks in the woods on a cold afternoon are good for thinking and listening to the world around you. I will miss sitting with my father in law each of us with our morining coffee by the wood stove as we shoot the crap, warm our old bones and plan our day. I will miss getting up for work with the sunrise...some days it seemed to come up
just as I was leaving the driveway. The warm weather is coming at that means painting the house, a new roof, leaf raking, etc all things that can be put off in the winter. Also in the winter you get these random days that everything shuts down and there is nothing that we can do about it...snow and more snow...It gives you and unexpected day off sometimes. But the seasons change and soon the the air will be filled with bugs instead of snow flakes.
Heh wait a minute....the sun is feels warm...ahhhh...mmm... maybe the summer is pretty good too.

PS...My NCAA Bracket: