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The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

My head hurts. My back hurts. I'm hungry,tired and worn out. Another long day at work?  A trip to the dentist , a colonoscopy? Fighting with your accountant about a medical deduction involving experimental drug that will guarantee your more than two consecutive hours of sleep a night. No!!! This is one of those days that should be one of the best of the year or at least the last few years because it doesn't happen that often. Your about to buy a new car!!! 
Well I'm not the one plunking down his hard earned cash on the latest hunk of plastic and computers from Japan. It's my father in 80 something Veteran who looks like a man having the blood sucked from by some vampire instead of enjoying the purchase of what might be the last new car that he will ever drive. He is sweating now as he signs his name for (and I'm not kidding because I counted) 14th time on a series of documents that are longer than those signed on the battleship USS  Missouri ending World War II. I try to help by making jokes about how things used to be simpler way back when but it doesn't seem to be helping. He is ready to put his fist thru the wall and pull the plug on this transaction if the bean counter with the $3000 printer whirring in the background puts one more document in front of the old man. Finally we are done. Ready to enjoy the open road in the new wheels but ...No! We are back with the salesman now who explaining how the car drives it self and that it will follow us home if we push the right button. My father in law explains that all he cares about is if gets 30 miles to the gallon on the highway and if it gets his country music station on the radio...he has his priority. As the salesman leaves still muttering something about a satellite finding a gas station and how you open the trunk from your bathroom, I see a small smile on my father in laws face. Its done. The car is his. I tell him that I will meet him at home and to take the long way and enjoy the ride. He says he may just go back to our driveway and take a nap in the front seat with a little Johnny Cash playing and enjoy that new car smell.