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The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

Graduation Day

This weeks blog isn't a story about me but instead it's about somebody I love. My daughter Kayla
Nothing clever or witty just a proud parent celebrating his daughters accomplishment. She just graduated from college. A beautiful day in May , blue skies , smiling faces and proud parents.
As I sat there in the crowd waiting for her to take the stage I thought of another day in May some ten years earlier. We were in the backyard it was the beginning new season. The game was whiffel  ball home run derby and it was me and Kayla. She wanted to bat first. The first pitch of the season and it was gonnnneee...a home run. She has a natural swing. It wasn't something that I could take credit for because I never had to teach her how to swing a bat. She just did it. Hit after hit. We kept score, standings with wins and losses and all the stats. It was a great way to spend the summer nights.
Now she was all grown up and smiling on stage with diploma in hand ,off to another chapter in her life. My home hitter.