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The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 


I'm walking thru Dave's Market trying to find the wife who left me in the yogurt aisle searching for something Greek,strawberry and something else. I stare at hundreds of selections. As I move down the aisle I notice a carriage blocking not only my way. Now I could go around it but I would either have to have heavy duty drone ( I want one...not to spy on anybody but I have seen some of the best video shot with those things) , or I could make a Connie Hawkins leap ( old school basketball....and I mean oldddd schoool) over the woman who is completely oblivious to to fact that I need to get by and get my yogurt.
Now I'm not talking about people who drift from lane to lane while driving and using their that is another blog for another day. I'm speaking about people who seem to be semi-awake as they drift thru life not knowing or caring about others around them. Young and old ...this isn't something that effects a particular group of people.
I'm walking with my wife next to me on the sidewalk in town. Approaching me is another couple and it becomes a game of chicken as to who will give in and go single file, step aside and let the others pass or as i see so many times they will just keep walking as if we are invisible and force us into the gutter.
Some people are only affected temporarily and say excuse me when the wake up...that is fine and understandable but others think the rules of public behavior don't pertain to them. Ok I'm rambling...besides if i don't get to my yogurt soon I;m gonna where is it??....oh sorry...I didn't see you behind me trying to get your skim milk....I guess it can happen to everyone...