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a little giving

I was sitting in my car waiting for a coffee and a bagel. I was on my to work but I wasn't late so I didn't feel as hurried as most of the people around me. As I waited at the window I noticed the person behind me seemed to be a bit frazzled, searching her car frantically for any loose change to pay for her latest blast of caffeine. I don't know why I did what I did next but when my order came I said that I would like to pay for the person behind me. The woman looked at me confused but obliged and I was on my way. I got a quick beep from the person that I had just bought a coffee for who I'm sure was confused as to who I was and my motive for buying her breakfast.
Well this soon became a habit for me and although I didn't do it every day. I would usually get the same server at the donut place enough times that they would anticipate my moves. "Paying it back again?" she would ask with a smile.
I think of this now as I watch this bucket challenge thing on the web. People will do amazing things for strangers if the feeling is right. I don't like feeling guilted into charity like having an ad come up for some charity while your stuck in your seat at the movies and the usher shoves a can in front of your face that you shove a dollar bill into so that you don't look like and a scrooge to some idiot stranger sitting next who don't care about and is using "your" arm rest.
When I use to go the bars in my youth you would often buy drinks for the "house" I remember one particular VFW that would give out small plastic cups to signify the drinks that you had coming to you as you sat at your stool. Before you could get your wallet out to by your first beer there would be hundreds of these cups in front of you signify drinks bought for you by perfect strangers. It was sort of an unwritten bought drinks for men you didn't know and they did the same.
I have done it a few times since then and you might have thought I paid for somebodies mortgage rather than a two dollar beer based on the reception that I got. I guess times have changed. We are charitable using the web, thru the mail, at the movies and other worthy events when prompted, which is fine...but it feels good to do it every once in a while for absolutely no reason.