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The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

I worry....a lot

I have a problem lettings things go....I worry....
I'm 9 or 10 who knows...We (my sisters me and mom and dad) and we are driving some place in Maine...on vacation...everything  is There is an eclipse happening on a beautiful summer day. Some how I have the knowledge right or wrong that if you look directly at that sun during the eclipse you will go blind. My sisters are climbing around the back of our Chevy 64 station seat belts... we lived dangerously...I see the eclipse but the parents...loving and caring as they are have no concern or so i think . I freak out ...they are going to go blind if they look at the eclipse... I make a make a scene which is quickly dismissed.They are fine ane we all survived...
I still worry but only about things that I can control...gas in the car ...paying bills...etc...but I still worry...oh well