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A walk in the woods or why I love the winter

 The snow is a crunchy crust frozen on top but with a soft powdery texture that helps me as I plod thru what is normally a rock strewn trail. The snow softens both my footsteps but also the sounds of the forest. I stop to listen and Lola looks back at as if to say...."What...are we going back already?" The quiet is deafening. The wind whistles over head because we took and off trail that is lower than the one we normally take ...I did take note of which way the wind was blowing when we started.
     I can hear the creaking of frozen branches as they strain against the winter wind. But there no other sounds....except for the din of the a constant low rumble in the distance. It is sound of traffic in the distance because I'm not exactly in the wilderness of my old favorite spots in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The forest trails of Wickford do have its advantages being that I don't have to drive three hours to go for a hike in the woods. The highest peak that I will climb today is a small mound that Lola helps to pull me up as she strains at her collar.
     It is cold but not bitter cold. Cold enough that we are alone. None of the " what a beautiful day" people who come out for a walk a few times a year usually around Memorial Day. Lola and I are hard core. We are here everyday. Braving the wilderness of Wickford and all that the forest can deliver. Cold wind, warm summer breezes,sticks to jump over in the middle of a well worn trail, bugs in the summer and unexpected spring shower....aren't  exactly like the perils of climbing Everest. I don't think either of us will die of thirst if I forget to bring water in the hour it takes to do a 3 mile hike. The Lewis and Clark of North Kingstown are blazing a trail today a trail that thousands have gone down before.  
After pausing for a minute to breath in the air of the moment I feel the tug on the leash and soon we are back at the car...back to civilization...we made thru another morning adventure....survived to try again tomorrow our trailblazing skills.