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A day on the trail

The feel of the crunchy snow under my feet as I head out the door along with the warm April sun on my face reminded me that this was going to be good day.  I woke to what felt like the beginning of a head cold but when I looked out he window I knew that I had to go to the woods.
Most days begin with Lola and I trekking thru the local trails, her getting her exercise and me my daily dose of sanity and solitude.
I knew as soon as hit the trail that todays walk was gonna be special. Most people love a warm sunny summer day a beach but for me nothing beats the solitude and serenity of a snow covered spring trail in the woods.
Lola sprinted ahead of me romping in the pristine white snow under her paws. As she strained at the leash I was trying to take in the feeling of the cold air as it hit my lungs clearing my head better than my first cup of black coffee. The trail on this day is soft. The rocks ,branches and normal undulations are covered making it easier to navigate with my old knees as I shuffle along. Lola is running back and forth tossing snow in the air as she snorts in the delightful freedom of being on a soft white blanket. I stop more than usual on the trail just to delight in what I think will be the last of this years cold snowy days. The snow is quiet and untouched except for the occasional tracks of the lone rabbit or deer...... it is our paradise now to enjoy. 
 As I get back to the car I hear the roar in the distance of a highway filled with many who curse the snow as they plod along in traffic. I feel for them, I do, but for me I can only wish for more days like this. Another day on the trail.