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I'm lazy

It fits ....perfectly..easy to put on when you just want to do some painting or cleaning around the house. It is even good enough to be a rag but yesterday it was a shirt. I could wear it over a tee shirt on a cool morning and take it off to check the oil in my truck then use it to wipe up a spill on the kitchen floor when my reheated coffee over flows because it is to hot when I pour in some creamer. But it becomes a rag when Joann says ..."Your not wearing that into the office when you come to get your teeth cleaned" I knew its life as a shirt was over.
But this isn't about an old shirt. It is more about knowing when things have gone beyond there usefulness, age is not the only question. Neither is the original use of the item a problem since many things that I have like the shirt morph from there original use to something else as they age. The shirt becomes a rag, the shorts go from something to wear every day to a hole filled, paint splatted piece of clothe that is not acceptable to wear to the dentist...( I sense a pattern here as to when I should throw out a piece of clothing.)
This about all of the other things that I have for which there is no second life as something other than what they were made to do.
I have had this bird feeder for a long time and I have repaired it many times in the last few years trying make it last forever. But like the lawnmower that died last year, the patio chars that have become a pile of clinging rust, the bird feeder has become a collection of hanging sticks blowing in the wind, that birds dare not get close to let alone eat there meals from.

Now as I tend to keep things perhaps beyond there point of usefulness, I wonder if that pertains to friends. Now these guys and I have been friends since we all were playing endless baseball games from sun up to sun down or until we lost to many outfielders because the paper routes called. Now that is a long time and maybe, just maybe since they are getting a little cranky and most of them are breaking down and I don't mean just physically with body part replacements and operations is it time to turn them into something else ....recycle them like my old shirt?....mmmmm.....nahhhh late for that too.

I guess some things can last forever ....the best things always do.