Learn from the Past and live in the Present

The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

I am old

I’m old …there are days when I feel like I am 25…biking , swimming, yard work…but then lately i wake up and I literally can’t get out of bed…I’m not as much in pain as it is aching and tired…but who isn’t at 72 ???….lol

I am OLD…….I know to say that is a acknowledgement of who I am and where I am in life. Believe me I am not surprised. My first realison of morality came many years ago because of a car accident that happened while I was in the prime of my life.

I was 28 ….I was in training to become a Providence Firefighter. I could run 5 miles a day without breaking a sweat . I lead the cadets in pull ups, sit ups, driving the apparatus, and because i was one of the older recruits with a name that they knew …

( My Dad)…lol….I had a reputation to live up to. No problem….I was in my prime…lets GO!!!!

Then everything changed…a car accident…almost paralyzed for life…

yad yad yad …lol

I recovered, married my sweetheart and moved on with a new direction

The love and breath of my life has been with me for over 50 years. JoAnn…my perfect companion .

Today I consider myself a am a lucky man

I have friends and family who love me.

But Im starting to fall apart.

Last year I woke up on a beautiful summer day not feeling myself. I was tired and could barely get out of bed. Well it got worse . I ended up in the hospital…almost dead from a low red blood hemoglobin count,

Wait how did this happen? Three days prior to this I had ridden 20 miles on my bike with no repercussions …that i could feel…lol

Well I rcovered…slowly… It seems everthing happens more slowly now.

Today a year later I’m still dealing with the hemoglobin thing,

Physically it doesn’t bother me …I have been thru worse and I am used to working around things but its my inability to be reliable to family and friends that gets to me. I dont know how that I am gonna feel literally from one day to the next right now…and that sucks…

Everyone has something in their life that they have to overcome or deal with and my “ problems” are small compared to others …..I will figure it out…I always do.


I remember peering over the seat to watch my grandfather navigate the road home. “ Boy grandpa has a lot of friends”..I thought. Everyone that we pass is honking at us and he is acknowledging them with a wave of his middle finger. I was also learning how to drive from my view in the back seat and that meant you need to straddle the white lines in the middle of the road. I made the mistake of telling this story to my mom as an innocent 8 year old and thus ending our the weekly adventures in my grandfathers ‘58 Rambler.

Well now that I am a grandfather its time for me to help guide my grandson thru lifes pitfalls while imparting my pearls of wisdom and worldly knowledge .

ehhhhh!!!…maybe something a bit easier …maybe some really important things that only a grandfather should

…how to pee in the woods

…how to spit so that it doesn’t land on your shoes or anybody nearby.

Or maybe i could help him pick his first tattoo….. mmmm…well we will see about that one.

I could show him how a real man survives some random minor landscaping chores and gets his first stitches…wait he has already had his first operation so that one is done.

I gotta leave a few things for mom and dad…

don’t I ???

I’m sure there will be plenty of time for a little tomfoolery and more.

Or maybe some day I can just show him how to make friends while driving down the middle of the road.

An Old Coat

It’s time to throw out the Christmas tree and pick up the tree limbs on the ground from the latest early winter storm as I do battle with the firewood pile that has just been delivered …my back hurts. A cold wind is swirling down my driveway as a blustery late afternoon in January fades to night. I’m wearing a coat that has holes in the pockets, is covered with stains and has long been forbidden to be used any place off of our property…but it still fits and every year I try to throw it out but I have chores to do and it is perfect for all the dirty jobs that I love .

I have just finished moving some firewood from a big pile in the backyard to a smaller pile on the porch…a pile that is covered and easier to reach at 2 am when it is 12 degrees outside and I’m stumbling around half asleep trying to keep the temperature in my drafty 200 year old house above a comfortable 55 degrees…. but now I am putting the ladder away after spending a couple of hours pulling a mixture of wet cold, mushy leaves from my gutters. I end my outside day by checking JoAnn’s car for any new damage done by mice eating at the cars wiring. And as the sunlight begins to fade I have one last chore that gives me pause to think of others who have come and gone in my life while raising the American flag that I had lowered the other day as my part of to tribute to a recently deceased Rhode Island governor .

All of these, and there are many more, are part of my daily routine. It’s a routine that I still enjoy. I have heard from many well meaning friends and relatives suggesting that maybe I should consider moving to a condo or an apartment so I don’t have to go thru the daily drudgery of doing such tasks as climbing on the roof for storm blown debris, shoveling the sidewalk so that the neighborhood kids can get to school without having to walk in the street or emptying the occasional mouse traps ( a particularly fun activity)

Once these chores become a “job” or worse something that I can’t do I will begin thinking of a life on the porch of my condo. A “condo life “ that will consist of me sitting having not moved since doing my biggest task of the day…making morning coffee. A “condo day” that has me watching somebody cutting the grass the “wrong way” or grumbling to myself as my neighbor parks his car too close to mine and I notice a new box of his obnoxious smelling cigars peak out of the top of his shopping bag as he waves to me from the parking lot. He is on his way up to share the aroma of his cigars and some of his foul tasting homemade moonshine as I listen his daily rant about how the world was better when we were both young……. Sigh!!!!!!

The future can wait!

Meanwhile I’ll put on my coat and get some more wood for the stove while I still have can.


Its time for my my bi yearly appointment with the only doctor that I have who consistently finds something wrong with me. There isn’t much he or I can do to prevent the damage that he has to take care after every visit. The problems that I have to deal with now are because of the hours spent in the sun at the beaches and landscaping jobs that I had many, many years ago. I do the preventive measures now…hats, sunscreen..but the damage is done. And lately every time I go a part of me is being scraped off, cut out and tested…but its the small price I pay and it keeps me going for at least another…mmmm six months I guess...LOL

But this isn’t about going to the doctor. Several days before that I do something to prepare for my appointment. Something that now I only do for this doctor and nobody else

Scraping a cold sharp object across a face that has more stitches and holes drilled in than a Texas oil field is not my idea of fun. But I want to give the doctor a complete picture and so he doesn’t have to guess what is under the grey whiskers as utters my favorite phrase …” that doesn’t look good”…so I reluctantly ….SHAVE.

Not that anybody ever notices what I've done. I never get a “ you look younger for some reason” or at least a “ what is different about you today? “ as I wait for the week or so that it takes for my stubble to return and the results of the tests to come back…. And then all is right with the world.

Keep Shoveling

Here it comes ….another birthday. In the past they were usually a big deal. From one with my friends all driving to Boston in two cars to celebrate some birthday in my twenties only lose each other on the highway but yet somehow meet again an hour later in some random dive bar. Others were celebrated with family and friends either snowboarding with my daughter or being part of some dinner party play that I was eventually performing in.
But this one was significantly if for no ther reason other than it would be official entry into the the club. The club being that of old cranky white guys. I was already cranky and white so adding OLD to that list was simply a matter of arithmetic and time.

70 is old, not middle age…it’s officially old.

I have done a lot in my life… a family, friends, many “ adventures “ that I was lucky enough to survive and if I had told you that the painfully shy 12 year old who was playing basketball on court in mid February that he had just shoveled so we could shoot at a bent backboard that he would go on to start several business and become someone’s boss in a government agency I would never believe it.

Now my days are filled with friends, family and the daily chores of keeping a 200 year old house from falling down. Among those chores are things like shoveling a sidewalk for people that I don’t know. It’s a task that I enjoy …no pat on the back….just the simple satisfaction of doing a job that needs to be done. I also know that it is my responsibility as a homeowner to clear a path so my neighbors don’t have risk their lives by walking in the street as they pass our house

During the latest storm I had to shovel the same sidewalk three times because it would fill up again every time that a plow went by. With my back beginning to bark I was finishing what hoped would be my last battle with the sidewalk slush when I noticed several future male juvenile delinquents making there way down the street towards me having just been released from nearby middle school. I fully expected some wise cracks or maybe snowball thrown my way from the skateboard toting loudmouth who appeared to be their leader. I stood my ground as they approached…an old man and his shovel defending his turf.

” Get out of the street “ I shouted as they grew near. Sure enough the “ leader” spoke first…What are ya shoveling? “ he asked. “ I’m giving you a clean path out of the street” I barked. “ Thanks” was the unexpected reply from the skateboard. We were suddenly best friends and after a brief conversation with the old man and his shovel the boys moved on. “One more question” I shouted as they almost danced down the street with what was probably some rap music flooding the headphones of one them so loud that they all could hear it. “ Whats your favorite band?” I shouted, full expecting some obscure to me famous rap group. “Zeppelin !!! “ the yelled in unison raising fits in the air without out even turning around..

” Rock On “ I yelled barely able to contain the joy that I was feeling for the future and and a thank you to the universe for giving me a little something for doing what I thought was a thankless job.

My future as of now being officially an Old Man is simpler and so much more satisfying so I will keep having birthdays ,carry on and keep shoveling 😎

A Day the Beach

Most people can’t wait to flock to the sunshine state after the holidays before the first flakes of New Year fly.
Me….I head to woods.

I had some semi-sarcastic blog topics that I have been working on but I decided to put them aside, at least for now, and start the New Year off with something more positive.

A walk in the woods on new snow is heaven for me.
It’s quiet…it’s cold…it’s perfect.

Come on in the water is fine !

A Full Moon

It’s cold on the porch as I stand in the darkness staring at the sky , reflecting on the day. Tonight is special because there is a full moon and a clear cloudless sky. I’ve started a new daily habit of ending my day by walking out into the night and sometimes sitting in the backyard and staring at the sky. Occasionally I will see a shooting star or two but a full moon on a clear night is rare.

As many people who know me already know lately I have been listing the number of things that either because of time ( Im much time is left?? ) or because of inability or an number of other reasons that I will never do again. For example…I hopefully will never pay for another new roof, buy another t-shirt ( i have wayyyy to many now) ….have a surprise birthday party, get a new car, climb Mount Washington , ride a century, dunk a basketball..( never happened or was gonna happen so no,…you understand now where I am going with this….right?

But as sat in my backyard gazing at the full moon…(wait…How many more of these do I have left….mmmm????..ok let’s do the math…at least 12 full moons a year…because they do last more than one day….some cloudy days….let’s say 6 a year that I could see …times 10 more years on this planet……lol…that comes around 60 more full moons….see this is the way that I think…lol)…..back to what I was thinking as I gazed at my one of 60 full moons left in my life, I thought about doing something that I have NEVER done in my life…( see I can be positive in my old

The things that I could or want to do that I have never done but will try to do before ..The End.

  1. continue to try to learn to play the guitar

  2. surf casting from Charlestown Beach

  3. hike the full length of Rhode Islands North South Trail

  4. learn ballroom dancing

  5. visit Ireland

  6. learn another language

  7. Well I guess I’m gonna need more time to do some of those things and maybe enjoy a few more full moons.

the end???

I’m gonna be dead….ok take it easy I’m probably not gonna die today…I hope…but it will happen someday.

It has been a while since I’ve written anything and another birthday has just come and gone so I figured that it was time to spend a few minutes on one of my favorite subjects….Death!!

(Ok this is when most of you will quit reading this because you dont want to read or think about what i’m gonna say or I’ve bored you to tears and you’d rather spend the next few precious minutes of your life hugging that special somebody in your life, watching another rerun of Seinfeld , or maybe even flossing before bed …anything but reading this dribble….I understand…go live your life…or what is left of it…opps sorry…really...Go be happy!!)

For the rest of my faithful readers thanks for being so curious and reading on.

I’m not obsessed with death…I like to think of it as being obsessed with life. I think about it everyday. I think about my life and where I am in it almost moment by moment. From the minute that I wake up and decide if I can put my socks on before my bladder explodes on the way to the bathroom. I love the first sip of coffee as I stare out the window watching cars race up the street to the next red light on their way to a job that Im glad that I dont have as I head back to the kitchen for a second cup.

Its early and I notice the moon is setting in the cold blue winter sky. But the sun feels good on my face even on the 20 degree February morning and I wonder how many more full moons that I will see like this because it may be cloudy next month during the full moon or I may not look up to see it because Im to busy pulling Lola as barks at the dog across the street while we get in the car on our way to our morning hike or…… I may be dead….I like to acknowledge all of the

I have the luxury now to able to be in the moments of everyday life. I dont enjoy all of them of course…sitting in the dentist chair as I imagine his hand slipping and the drill ripping thru my jaw like a hot knife thru butter but instead I focus on the story that he is telling me, as I lay there gaging and mumbling thru my own spit , ……. he tells a story about a famous high school basketball player from the 60’s that we both know and who he played against that overdosed before he was 25. ( I love stories…even sad ones)

Ok where was I..??…oh yeah…being in the moment …death…blah, blah, blah

We always think that things will get better someday….if I can just win the lottery…just take a vacation…just get home and have a beer…or at least they will be better tomorrow if i could just get to sleep. And of course things WERE always better back when…I was young…I could fill my Volkswagen Beetle up with gas for $3.00…and bell bottoms were cool. But most of us dont live in the moment even though the minute that we are born is also the when the clock starts ticking. I remember as a kid someone saying “ dont waste your breath” and the phrase haunted me because I thought that we had a finite number of breaths and once we had used them all …boom ..out go the lights. I used to imagine what it would be like if we knew when our end would come with some internal count down or an expiration date that we all had. Now I realize how random a lot of life is. We all put things off that we want to do thinking that there is always more time.

But the reality is nothing is guaranteed so I tend to enjoy what I have….while occasionally reliving some of the fun days of the past but also making plans for a possible future…all the while knowing that there is an end which for me makes the here and now so much sweeter.

THE END ???…Ooh…La…La!!


They are everywhere…a painted blanket of what used to provide shade from the hot summer sun but has now become a tourist attraction for every city dweller who wants a picture of “ nature” for their Facebook page….leaves!!!

My annual adventure with the colorful fall foliage started thirty years ago when we moved to our present home. Our new home came with several small issues that included but didn’t end with such fun projects as removing a live family of possums , babies and all who were living in a crawl space under the floor boards to the use of a large plastic bucket placed in a closet that collected water every time that it rained as well as removing the occasional stray skunk, bat or raccoon.


But today I have more important things to think about. How do I get rid of the pile of leaves several inches thick that is covering our property? When I was younger I had less time because I was working 60 hours a week but I had a stronger back so I guess there is always a trade off. Since then I have developed a certain methodical process to getting rid of the my colorful friends. It’s a something that involves everything from good old fashion raking to mulching with the mower and my favorite …the occasional late night use of the leaf blower to send some the leaves over the stonewall into my neighbors driveway where they belong. Because after all most of my leaves come from THEIR trees that border our properties. ( and yes I know some my leaves go into their yard…don’t worry it’s a game that we’ve played for years…nobody gets hurt 😎) I have to be careful to spread them evenly and not in big piles so as not to arouse suspicion. And don't worry they have plenty of their own leaves that a young crew of landscapers suck up in one long day with equipment and strength that I will never have.

So here I sit on this warm sunny mid October afternoon wondering how that I will spend the rest of my day…mmm …perhaps a bike ride…a picnic with Jo at our favoritee spot at the Beavertail Lighthouse….or maybe just sit on the porch and watch the traffic rumble by sipping on the latest IPA from the local brewery???

Orrr….rake the damm leaves????

My last basketball?

Playing basketball with Lola

I would always carry a ball in the trunk of my car. You never know when a game could start. I found a deflated ball in the garage hoping that if it still held air I could use it to school some punk down the street in one last show of bravado in how the game should be played. Well the ball was flat for are reason….. it had as many holes as my game did even on its best day. This is a game that has defined most of my life. Has is come down to me throwing a ball to the dog because I can no longer run the court or hit a jumper from the corner?

Like most kids my age I played every sport with my friends, from baseball to football…..even a game with no particular name that involved throwing a small pink ball off the side of the local elementary school while the other player either caught it or stopped the ball from going over the wall for a home run….(I know I’m getting off topic but that’s just the way my mind works…sorry) We made a game out of everything….pitching baseball cards on the front steps….whiffle ball in the middle of the street when we had to move off second base or get run over. …( rambling again…)

But this is suppose to be a story about basketball. I don’t remember the first time that I played but I do remember when when I graduated to the big time. The court that we played on was on the grounds of the local Catholic elementary school that I attended. We all knew the court well from shoveling the snow off it in the winter to adjusting our shots at one of the baskets because the backboard was crooked having been bent went a snow plow hit it after a recent snow storm.

The younger kids being about 9 or 10 years old, of which I was one, would stand on the sidelines waiting for the older guys to finish and then us younger guys would get the court and not before. Occasionally the old guys would need and extra body to fill out one of their one of their teams and they would pick one of us underlings to play. Well one day I was picked…and I made the most of it…I hit my first shot from the corner and the next as well. By the third shot they were yelling for me to shoot just to make one of their friends look bad because he was getting schooled by some kid from the sidelines...ME!!. Well I hit the third shot with the older kid landing in my lap as he attempted to block the shot. We went to the ground with me smiling and him trying to salvage what was left of his shredded on court reputation now ruined at the hand of some punk kid….ME!!!

I played thousands of games in my life . From inside courts with the same friends that I hang with now getting stiiches from random elbows hitting my face to shooting foul shots with my 15 year daughter in the dark on some local court because she wouldn’t leave until she got ten in a row from the free throw line….(she did)….but that day that I beat those older kids with the jump shot from the corner was probably the best day that I ever had on the court. Maybe because it began a life of memories or maybe because of the sound and feel of the ball going thru the hoop with a hand in your face is the best feeling in the game…SWISHHHH!!!!!

I wear many hats

It's morning...about 6am and I'm getting dressed...long pants or shorts?? I working outside in the yard or painting? I have to go to Walmart or Home Depot?....decisions, decisions. 

What am I today???  A father, a husband , a dad, a business man whose first adventure in the buissness world got him arrested on his 20th birthday..( another story for another , a writer, a videographer an inn keeper, a short order cook , a bus driver and oh yea one my favorite of my over 30 different jobs over the years that of a Mr Potato Head inspector.....not assembler.... but just a 3rd shift soon to be at Dunkin Doughnuts inspector ......who during the middle of the night break decided with my friends to quit after less than an day on that job and head to the beach at 3am ...that kind of an inspector...whew!,..... or a retired guy who is gonna get on a ladder that barely reaches the gutters that I need to clean with out risking what is left of my live...( shhhh dont tell Jo about this part) I said I wear and have worn many hats...but I digress...back to the fashion of the day.  

I look at myself in the mirror...blahhhhh..."it ain't that pretty at all"   Not shaving today...but looking at my hair a day after having it cut and it is sticking up like the back of a frightened chicken. Time to put on something to cover this mess. But which one? After all like i said  I am a man who wears many hats.


I guess it started when I was about 8 years old.  I was watching The Davey Crocket Show on my 11" black and white Emerson tv on Westcott Ave....yea a coonskin cap. It would take another 50 years and a gift from from a dear friend to finally add one to my collection. 

I have a hat for painting, one for sweating while I chop wood or cut the grass or some other manly gross activity. Maybe the new one that is a bit different than the rest and was suggested by someone that I love to cover more of my face in what has become a constant battle with the big " C" that keeps popping up on my face every time that I see my dermatologist. And there are many the ones that are special in that they are only worn when I'm clean and going to or in the season of a particular team ( Giants or Notre Dame). Of course there are many more random ones that have been collected over the gifts/presents or something free. Although I dont just wear any hat....they all have a time and a purpose and as John Lennon said " In my life I have loved them all"      

A Week Back

With homage paid to my childhood heros The Three Stooges, I have been dealing with a life long problem that has recently reared its ugly head bad back.

It started innocently enough. I wasn't chopping firewood, dangling from the roof reaching to splash some paint from a crooked ladder on some two hundred year old piece of the house that hasn't been touched in years.. (my everyday stuff).  Noooo!!....the twinge started as I reached with the duster to wipe a cobweb from a small corner of the apartment that we rent in the basement. It developed into a throbbing ache after lunch and ignoring it completely I began raking leaves and picking up branches from the latest storm to hit the area. I rested on the porch to admire the work that I had done trying to maintain our Ponderosa but when stood up I felt a pain that I hadn't felt in a while but did recognize. It started in my lower back, shot down my legs and before you say...."Hi Ho Silver...away"..........I was on my knees unable to move. 

Here it comes I thought.....the heating pad, lying on the floor for hours, the inevitable question...."You have done to much again...haven't you?" I could handle it....I have done it many times.

Well by the second day of crawling to the bathroom I knew that this episode might be serious. As the crawling and stabbing pain from the attempts at getting off the floor continued for a week, I began to think...Is this the way that it is always going to be? I could deal with the pain, I had done it before....not with drugs or any prescriptions but by letting it run its course and knowing that it would end in a couple of days. This was different. It wasn't the pain or lying on the floor instead of sitting, or the fact that I now noticed how much the ceiling needed to be painted...noooo... it was about the length of time that it was taking to feel even slightest bit better. It was a week before I could walk more than a couple of hurt but I was up again. I began think back to 37 years ago and how short goals made big progress possible. It would work again. But the thing that bothered me the most was the possibility that everything that I had gotten use to had changed.

Would this happen again and not from doing something strenuous like stacking firewood when I could feel it coming ...instead the next episode of debilitation would come on a Sunday morning reaching for the syrup for my pancakes and land me paralyzed for another week or more. It bothered me ...the uncertainty....could I plan anything that involves something more taxing than reaching for the remote?  Would I have to cancel a night out with friends or not start video projects that I had thinking about for fear of letting everyone down when my back failed me again? I could become a recluse...It was a comfortable thought...I was half way there already with my music, interent, and the guitar collecting dust that I pluck but still cant play, to keep me happy. Who needs people, biking, fresh air...I can do without it...right?  

Well I don't have the answer yet but I do know that you can only prepare so much...what will happen is sometimes out of our hands. I have learned many things in life with one the most important to me being...everthing changes dont get to comfortable.  Sure I will stretch more do some more core strengthening exercises and maybe even see a doctor or physical therapist or two... who knows. But the uncertainty will be there. But it wont deter me from making plans...plans that I may have to cancel or change but heh...that is adapt and carry on down the road! 


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Predictions.....What will happen???

Nothing earth shattering today. I was just thinking of some things as the new year has started and I decided to put them out there so that when they all happen..(of course they I can look back and say " I told you so" I don't have the same time frame for all of them. Some may happen sooner than others.

(1)  The NFL, and football in general has peaked. It will be a slow decline as injuries become more serious but the real decline will be because less players or great athletes will chose the sport as their main focus as they get older. Why you ask? One simple reason...MOM! Moms don't want their kids getting hurt and being broken, arthritic and brain dead when they are 45.

(2) There will be chips inserted people when they are born that will have all of their information on them for the rest of their life. Sort of like a separate brain that will contain file type info that now resides in desk drawers at home or in the "cloud" Health info, all of their bank info, where they were born and when, plus the kind of peanut butter your wife wants you to buy but you use to forget...just swipe your hand over the sensor at the store and it is bought and paid for. No need to remember anything is all on computer chip under your skin in the palm of your hand.

(3) I will attend at least 4 wakes and or funerals in the next calendar year. Some will be expected some will be a surprise .....just a part of getting older.

(4) Pot will be legal and as easy to buy as loaf of bread throughout the country......reason?   Simple....$$$$$$$$$$ will make a lot of it for some people and goverment wants its cut.

(5) Driverless cars....The days of people driving their own car are numbered. No more accidents, no more insurance, no more speeding tickets that you have to pay for because your son or daughter was "late for school". You won't own a car like you do now. You will have a sort of pod on wheels with seats that are parked at places around the country. Get in set your destination sit back and relax, arrive, leave it there and take a different one home.....all for a monthly subscription. 

(5) And for my last prediction I think that President Donald J. Trump will not stay as our President for the full four years, let alone run for a second term. I'm not saying anything bad will happen to him but I do think that he he will get bored or frustrated or both and something will happen so that he abdicates his throne. The business needs him, he gets a sudden mysterious illness....who knows what but he will hand the keys to the nation to Mr Pence.

Well I have more but some of them may seem a bit bizarre....stay tuned!

Posted by Steven Tymon at 8:15 AM 

Foot Prints

Some people like a warm summer sunset, a fine glass of wine, a Super Bowl win by the Giants...( ok it's the Pats for most of you) , a Christmas morning with family, a Twilight Zone marathon New Year's Eve.....although some of these things may make a great day, at the top of the list for me is a morning in the woods on cold snowy trail with no foot prints. When I see the snow coming down I dont worry about school openings, traffic or shoveling, that will all come later. I can't wait to get in the woods. Yes there is usually a dog with me but they walk behind me , at least for a few steps. The cold air, the crunch of the snow under my boots, the quiet. Knowing it won't last ....make it worth the wet feet that I will have later.


Im sitting on a pile of firewood. Wood that took a long time and some tired muscles to stack. I'm in the back yard. It's almost dark. I'm a I'm lmost done with my yearly job of raking leaves before they become a mass of frozen mound of muck in another week when the temperature drops and the snow flies. Yea.... I do a lot of my raking after dark. But that is another story for another day today is about the holiday.

 The sky is filled stars mixed with planes full of people traveling to grandmas or to the brother in law that always talks politics at the Thanksgiving day table.

 I'm tired. The good kind of tired that comes from finishing a day's work....outside. For a long long time my job required me to spend countless hours in small basement room with no windows or any indication about what was happening outside the door...(another story for another day) but now I'm outside every day. I look at the stress.... the rush ....the day to problems that people have ...but I dont have the answers. Everyone has to find their own way. But for me I like to go outside....for a hike, a bike, a walk, an 8 am walk with the dog in the rain waiting for her as she stops in mid crap at every clap of thunder before she can finish and we can go home.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Enjoy your day!

Go outside! 









PS..... Any reverence in this blog to any of my brother in laws either past or present is purely a product of my imagination and doesn't have anything to do with anybody that I may or may not be related to....the names have been changed to protect the innocent!  

Mad Dogs and Englishmen

We were late as usual. "Come on!!", my friend said as we snaked our way thru the haze of "smoke" and college age bodies sitting in various positions on the gym floor. I'm eighteen and still in high school, out with one of my friends. He was older than me and a lot bolder."There is room up front!!", he shouted. Of course there wasn't or at least you couldn't see if there was thru the haze in the dimly lit gym. As we wound our way thru the crowd towards the front , something that would never be allowed today, I tried to keep my feet on the gym floor rather than on the heads of some of the stoned collegians. Of course when we got to our seats 10 feet from the stage ,everyone made room for us on the floor as if we had reservations in some VIP section. "See!!!!" my friend said, grinning from ear to ear.

As we took our seats the band was already in mid song. I knew the lead singer, a gyrating Englishman with the raspy voice, but what caught my eye was a lone figure behind a grand piano at the corner of the crowded stage. A stage full of more musicians than I had ever seen. The long haired, white bearded man in the top hat who seemed to leading what appeared to be some kind of rock and roll circus was Leon Russell.

He is gone now like many of my rock n' roll generation. I got to see him with friends a little while ago and I thought then that it might be for the last time.

When I was young I thought rock n' roll would never get old. Some people, places and memories never did. I'm glad to have survived those days and celebrate them now with friends for along as we can.

             ROCK ON!!!     

My Teams

It has been more than a few weeks since I have had a win. "My" teams ( and why are they my teams?? if I own them, have played for one of them or have any other connection with them other than being a lifelong fan) ...Notre Dame, NY Giants and the Red Sox have been losing a lot lately.

Don't feel sorry for me all of them have had great success during my lifetime.

My dad was a Notre Dame fan and I remember as a kid him stopping the car in the middle of a family trip on crisp, fall afternoon to get out and pound on the hood or kick the tire of our white, no frills, 64 Chevy Biscayne wagon because he didn't want us to hear the profanity spewing from him as listened on the radio to the Fighting Irish give up a touchdown late in a game that they were probably ahead by 40 points with two minutes to go. He was never happy even after a win but I did see a hint of a smile the day he and I watched the Irish finish a perfect season and win the National Championship.

I watched the Celtics win championships with my best friends. Friends who I played basketball with since I was10 years old and well into our 40's.

I watched from the couch with my wife and daughter as Manny and Papi would hit improbable game winning hits on the way to the Sox breaking their curse.

I watched the Giants first Super Bowl with friends most of home I still see regularly today. We were in a basement jumping on each other celebrating as the game ended. But when I got home on that frozen January Sunday I met my real Super Bowl MVP wife.  She stood at the door and told me about her day with a plumber and burst frozen pipes. She never called me to ruin my day with this household emergency but instead she some how got a plumber to do a house call on Super Sunday. It isn't the team and sport that make all of those winning days special . It is the people that you're with rooting for your team that make it so much fun. 

A day in the trees

The sweat was getting in my eyes. So much so that I couldn't see for more than a few seconds without wiping my brow. My back was screaming and I knew that there would be hell to pay once I stopped. But it felt good in other ways. I was doing something that when I was young, many moons ago, was one of my favorite jobs. One of the many, many different jobs that I have had over the years.
Working with a chainsaw cutting down trees. Now today, as it was on the first day of a job that I started 40 years ago I was cutting up the part of the tree that was already on the ground. 40 years ago it was a middle aged Portuguese man with 3 young sons and an old pickup truck, today it was a couple of 20 something guys doing the climbing and cutting as I watched from the ground.

I remember my first day as a "lumberjack".  I waited in the yard, leaning on a pile of rust that I would later learn was our transportation for the day.  Out of the door of the house came a bow legged, short, stocky man running toward me with rifle in his hand. Was I fired for being late on my first day? Should I not be leaning on the rusty pickup? Was I going to be shot on my first day of work?  
"Morning", he said as he raised the rifle and aimed at something in the sky over my left shoulder.
(Yea, I do remember which shoulder it was...when somebody is pointing a gun in your general direction you remember every detail). BAM! BAM! the explosion echoed thru my body..."Morning" I muttered back.  "Dam hawks" he said. I turned to see him looking skyward searching the heavens for these "hawks". "They are after the pigeons", he said pointing behind me to a coup filled with various multi-colored birds swarming and floundering from the noise and commotion. "They swoop down and pick off the pigeons one at a time" he said standing there with a smoking gun on his shoulder still scanning the sky over his home.
When he put the gun away and showed me how to start the pile of rust disguised as a 63 Dodge pickup my job as a "lumberjack" had started. Now years later I'm in my back yard with a pile of rust of my own, a chainsaw that the bow legged hawk killer taught me how to use and the young kids doing the hard work. Life is how it should be!