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An Old Dog

He is slow to get up from his resting place, a warm worn out pillow that he calls home most of the day. His feet are wobbling under the weight of his withering body. His fur is more grey than black in many places. His eyes water and as he yawns and stretches for what seems like an eternity. Finally he is moving toward the open door as I wait there with his leash in hand. We walk out into the late afternoon sun just him and I today. The young pup, who is usually with us, is off with his mom, my daughter, today. So instead of struggling with a puppy running around my legs I am able to give all of my attention to the "old man" as I call him.

I give him a lift into the back of the SUV because he can't jump like he used to. He growls as if to say " I don't need your damm help to get in the car,..... put me down!"  He wont lie down in the back of the car as we wind our way thru traffic. I hear him skidding in the back as he tries to steady himself while I make a quick stop at a red light.

We get to our local trail in the nearby woods and as he jumps out of the back I grab his leash so that wont take off in the wrong direction. It has been awhile since he as been able to out run even me anywhere but he still has a stubborn independent streak and at the beginning of our walks tends to want to go his own way. Nowhere is this more evident than as we start down the trail. He takes for ever to get going, walking, stopping,sniffing, walking and more sniffing. Finally we are moving in semi straight direction. Normally the puppy being full of pent up energy is running far down the trail as we both leave the old man behind. But today it is just him and I and the walk becomes more of meandering stroll,stopping and starting every few feet to check every bush and rock on the trail. I begin to pick up the pace hopping that he will eventually catch up and before I can turn around to check his progress a grey and white blur passes almost between my legs nearly knocking me into the weeds. He is running now at a full sprint. His legs stretching out like great athlete in Olympic race heading down the track towards a gold medal . He runs with a grace that suggests a much younger dog. But it doesn't last as he slows to a trot and then to what looks like a labored walk. Soon we are heading back both of us with aches and pains. Neither of us able to go as far we once did. Both feeling all of the affects of age. But here we are together enjoying the warmth of the sun as it sets through the leafless trees. Walking together in step as we have done for many years and many miles. Today it feels good to have each other's company , two old men spending time on the trail.