Learn from the Past and live in the Present

The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

Is this weird?

This question is not for my daughter to answer because I know what she is thinking from the eye roll and sigh as she headed upstairs to her room when I asked.

I'm always thinking of ways to save money. Usually it involves little things like cheap toilet paper (heh, it was on sale and I was the only one at the store so I bought it) or the Job Lot coupons that I look forward to every week. They allow me to buy things that I may need like a tarp to cover the firewood or cheap shampoo that only I use or the most disgusting pasta sauce ever made. But i still look every Thursday for the Internet coupons thinking that I am saving money.

My latest and certainly not last attempt to salvage what is left of my weekly meager paycheck for more important things, is the use or I guess you would call it reuse of coffee cups. I'm not talking the real ones that you get as gifts that can be washed in the dishwasher. My favorite being "You'll shoot your eye out kid" cup that I got from my daughter. I'm talking about the paper or cardboard ones that you get from the local coffee shops that are meant to be used once then thrown away or should I say recycled.

I have started to save them and reuse them. They have become my coffee travel mug of choice.

First you have to wash them, obviously. I do this by running both the cup and the lid under hot or luke warm water just to get rid of the residue from the last shot of java. Then they must be air dried preferably in a rack that allows the air to circulate around the whole cup and lid. This process usually takes a day depending on humid, local temperature and other weather conditions. Is all of this worth it? Who knows. I haven't gotten sick yet from doing it and I'm not sure how many times they can be reused before the cup is reduced to a pile wet moldy cardboard.  Do this save any money? Couldn't I just get a reusable travel mug? Am I demonstrating the beginning signs of a hoarder?  Check me later and if I have hundreds of them drying on the porch in the summer sun in a few months then maybe you will have your answer. Until then I will continue to experiment with this an other behaviors that will hopefully save a few pennies but will I know seem odd to some but to me are behaviors that help me question my sanity daily.