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A Good Day for a Swim

 What started out as a warm cozy New Years Day with a hot wood stove and cozy couch soon became an icy cold salty splash fest.

I thought that I would start the new year resting at the end of a long busy holiday season. I would put my feet up and watch the parade of roses from Pasadena and maybe a little football from the hundreds of bowl games available before the only one that matters, Notre Dame vs Alabama in a week. But somebody had other plans. Down the stairs they came with the youthful exuberance that is usually found in young women on a caffeine high and bedroom full of boredom. "Lets go for a swim", one of them bellowed. My daughter and her friend beckoning me to join them in an impromptu plunge. My head immediately flashed back to a similar day a few years ago when I decided it might a good day for a swim in the middle of winter on a similar day . It wasn't that bad I seemed to remember. It would be over quickly. That was a mild 45 degree day, today it was in the 20's.
Well with a bit more prodding we headed out to the local beach. We were early so we waited for the official start of the festivities shivering in the snow covered sand looking at the cold blue ocean wondering like everyone around us what we were doing here. There were people around us who looked cold bundled in thieir winter coats. We had blue feet from standing on the shore shivering with others some dressed less warmly, others in only shorts or swimsuits.
The time had come. There was a quick countdown then a mad rush to the frigged water. The rest is a blur of arms legs ,cold, wet and astonished looks from those who realized that this might not have been the best idea that they had in this the first day of the new year.
It was over. We all headed for the comfort of our cars. Some lingering to take one more plunge in the icy waters but most satisfied that they had met whatever challenge had made them do this together. Because I know that none of us would be back tomorrow for another swim alone without the crowds or hoopla. The next time any of us we be back in the ocean would be sometime closer to the 4th of July when sane people go to the beach to swim.