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The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

A Winter Morning

It's cold. The kind of cold that goes right to your bones. But today walking thru the woods I feel refreshed more than frozen. I'm with the dogs as usual and the path that we are on is one that we wander down on a regular basis but today it feels different. I can feel the crunch of a new dusting of snow under my feet and the sun is beginning to peak out from early morning clouds. My lungs fill with the cold air as the dogs wander around me sniffing at random spots along the trail. The woods are quiet and I find myself stopping more than usual to revel in the stillness. I'm not thinking of anything particular just enjoying the solitude and the peace that it brings. I can smell the winter and taste the quiet frosty air. I drink it in. Today is a day for the senses. I feel so lucky to have these moments and I thank whatever spirit, luck or planning has given me the ability to feel them. Now it is time to move on. Besides the dogs are both starring at me as if I've lost my way, my mind or both.   .