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The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

The Storm

It's dark outside. It's dark inside. The storm rages on. The power is out but the fire is warm. Thank God for batteries and wood stoves. I don't have any place to go or anything to do. I'm limited on both counts because of the snow. It is as if time has stopped. I asked if they needed help at work and it seems most friends and family are safe so its time to rest before the storm ends and the world starts moving again. Its midnight and Joann is asleep worrying like i am that the pipes will freeze during what is gonna be a cold night. But outside on the porch it is quiet except for the rush of a cold wind overhead carrying more white stuff that seems to being coming down sideways now. There is a certain calm that I feel. Maybe it is from being tired. Maybe its the dark and the quiet inside. I like a storm like this it forces me to stop for a few minutes. I mean really stop, everything, at least for a while. I know the world will start turning again soon and if it stopped for to long I would go nuts but at least for a little while I can relax. Relax and breath a little ...think about nothing and everything..... relax and do nothing.....everything is good ......ahhh...come to think of it I am hungry though...