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The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

A weak back about a week back

I'm laying here on the floor tonight trying to do this blog with my ipad held over my head because it hurts to sit at my desk. I moved to much the wrong way again and my back said no and my mind said ooohhhhh!!  I'm use to it happening and it is only temporary but it stinks non the less. I'm not gonna say anything about getting old or taking some drug or going to a chiropractor or herbs, massages, witchcraft or anything else. I just gonna lay here and suffer till it gets better. It's like a cold. It has to run its course. Of course I''ll be stupid and push some snow around or stack some wood or move a stack of floor tile from the porch to the new downstairs apartment ( next weeks blog ...maybe). I can t help myself. If I can move I gotta do something. It is stupid I know but heh I'm...( you fill in the rest)

So until next week or when I can write sitting up again this gonna have to do for now