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With my boots on

I only have to do this every couple of years. Doctor's visit ? inspection?...nah,..paint the house?....nope. I have to buy new shoes...hiking boots to be specific. I don't like to shop for clothes and I usually get help from Kayla or Jo because if left alone in a store that doesn't have tools, electronics or lumber my senses shut down and I become a walking zombie looking for a way out.
So here I am trying on boots in discount store. Now I have learned the hard way that this one thing that i cant scrimp on. It doesn't pay to buy cheap shoes. I have enough ties, t shirts, shorts, jeans probably last the rest of my life. So it seems the only "shopping" that I have to do is for shoes and underwear. I would continue to use my old boots especially now that they are broken in after a couple years of use but now that we have a new dog I will be out hiking again in the winter woods and I need something to keep my feet from getting wet and freezing my toes. I do have several old pairs of boots in various stages of decay that I use in a sort of rotation depending on how they smell or how wet they are on a particular day. I recently saw a show where a man used duck tape to keep a pair of old comfy boots together...mmmm..that might work if I ever decided that I never wanted to out with my wife in public again
I guess its time to shop. After about an hour of trying on various pairs of boots we head home with my new purchase. It doesn't end there because after a week of trying them on hundreds of times, putting them back in the box then on again, I decide that they aren't the right boots. I return them and start the whole process over again. I know its exhausting...( and just as thrilling and captivating to read about ..right?). So here i am stuck in a vicious cycle of buying trying and returning...and
those old boots look more comfy every minute.