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I hate waste

I'm rummaging thru the refrigerator for some to eat for lunch. There are several leftovers from one of Joann's delicious dinners. (i'm not just saying that because I want to continue to eat and I know she might read this but it instead it is because it is true, she is a great cook). I'm looking for lunch. My problem is I cant tell which is the oldest leftover. I know that even refrigerated delights prepared with as much love as good ingredients have a shelf life. (am I laying on to thick with this I love my wife's cooking stuff?...well it is good)
I just hate to throw things away. Unless it smells or is some strange color, neither of which is easy for a color blind, always congested man to easily determine. So I try everything before it goes to the worst place possible , the garbage.
That "hill" in Johnston is already Rhode Islands only mountain and I hate to contribute to it s ever growing height. So I save things..everything. From leftovers to old reading glasses that lose a screw. The same glasses that I break constantly and cost $2.00 at Job Lot or a free from a certain family member.
I save newspapers and twigs in the yard for the wood stove,old tee shirts (remember that blog?), old photos and books, old cars, old friends and old albums,  If I do throw something out it is really out lived its usefulness for not just me but for anybody.
I am getting better. I've started selling and giving away stuff that I don't need. Giving a stranger a less than start of the art video game system that he will use a family Christmas present for his two young daughters makes me feel that not throwing things away can have its good side, everything doesn't have to be saved forever, just not wasted . Time for lunch..  

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