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The Website For People Who Think, Wonder, Laugh and Cry 

Old Soles

I'm running out...of old shoes that is. The ones that are comfortable and familiar. The ones with memories of where they have been. The ones that I cant buy a replacement for. They are all wearing out. Since my days in the office are over the dress shoes have become a dust covered pile in the closet next to the lonely gaggle of ties nearby. My daily footwear along with many things in my life have changed.
This winter I found a pair of "duck boots" in the back of the closet. I had bought them at Walmart years ago for some reason. They weren't my everyday shoes. They worked well for me as I shoveled my way thru the winter.
Then suddenly as if on cue knowing that they were no longer be needed as spring approached I noticed a crack. My feet were no longer dry. Searching for a replacement I noticed a pair of old work boots that must be 15 years old. They still fit!!!. Well it's time to start work on those outside projects, new roof, new porch, new paint job for the house and with that I must chose a pair of shoes. I usually wear some hiking boots. The ones I have now are nearing there end or headed for a trip to the back of the closet. I have had a replacement pair, new in the box and waiting there for the last six months but they have yet to make it into the daily rotation.
I have a lot of decisions to make. I guess I'll kick back and relax and contemplate my footwear future all the while wearing my favorite slippers, the ones with ( I can hear Kayla's sighing and her eyes rolling as I say this" the duct tape keeping them together.